Russia Orders Obama: Tell World About Aliens, Or We Will.

A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs report on Prime Minister Medvedev’s agenda at the World Economic Forum, states that Russia will warn President Obama that the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.

The World Economic Forum is a Swiss non-profit foundation, based in Geneva and describes itself as an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

The Forum is best known for its annual meeting in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world, including health and the environment.

If anyone is “losing their minds” about aliens, it must be pointed out, it is certainly not Russia, but the Vatican, which in November 2009 announced it was “preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure.”

Malachi Prophecy

Pope's resignation is foretold in the Malachi prophecy: Pope's resignation, the destruction of Rome and the end of the world.

The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI brought to the minds of many people "Malachi prophecy". Successor Pope may be the last in history. And then ... end of the world? The surprise announcement of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI brings to mind an old prophecy, which has to do with the end of the world.

Is he in fact Pope Benedict XVI, the last pope in history. The so-called "Malachi prophecy" is a list of 111 short Latin phrases.

List describes all the popes from first one, and ends with a pope described as "Peter Roman" whose reign, according to prophecy, will end with the destruction of the city of Rome.

According to some this is a warning that is attributed to St. Malachi about the apocalypse.

In the list, according to tradition, was written by Malachi in 1139, during his visit to Rome, described a few lines with the characteristics of all the popes from first one, who was elected in 1143.

The firs sign:
That was the day when the Pope announced the resignation .. it was just a coincidence?

BMW publishes new model Z-2

BMW car manufacturing company has released its new model design. It comes to sports model BMW Z-2.
Cars will be on sale starting from 2015. 

Arrives glass smartphone, partially translucent!

This technology has come of age.

"Euro Vegas" in Madrid

Will be called "Euro Vegas" European city of gambling and will be built near Madrid.

Sand Storm

Sand storm has hit Australia. To see the photos is an impressive spectacle. But to be there, the view is not so great. It looks more like something scary.

Samsung Electronic: Galaxy S-4 will be released on March 15th!

According site fans Sam-Mobile, at an event on March 15 Samsung Electronics has decided to reveal the smartphone Galaxy S-4.

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